St Mary and St Peter Catholic Primary School

School Meals

Hot, nutritious and healthy meals are provided at a cost of £2.53 per day or free if your child in is Reception, Year 1, 2 or are entitled to Free School Meals. All meals must be booked online using the Select system and must be ordered by 07.00 am on the day of the meal to be taken.

In Reception, Y1 and Y2 school meals are freely available to every child. We would like parents to select their child's meals for the week by logging onto Select and ordering their meals they will not be asked for a payment by 7.00 am on the day the meal is to be taken.


Menus February 2024 to July 2024

Dinner Menu September 2024 - Autumn & Winter

Family Information Pack

Each half term we will have a Special Meal Day please click the link below for the menus: -

To be advised


In Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 free school meals are available if you complete the form below and your request is approved by Norfolk County Council.

Completed forms should be returned either to school or to Norfolk Children’s Services.

Your child may be able to have Free School Meals if you meet the government criteria. Find out if your child is entitled to free school meals using the free school meals eligibility checker.

Please click on this link to take you to the application form and further information about eligibility.

Free School Meal Form

If you would like help in translating or completing this form please get in touch and we can help you, please ask at the school office.

If you are eligible to apply, it really is very worth doing EVEN if you do not want to actually use this service at this moment in time.  You never know when it might come in handy – that Monday morning when you’ve not had time to get fresh food for packed lunches or the time when it’s so chilly outside you’d feel happier if your child could have a hot meal for lunch.

Another very good reason for applying is to ensure that the school is given the extra money that the government allocates to help improve education services.   This allow schools to better meet the needs of its children and the government have decided to to this by using the number of children we have registered as eligible for free school meals.  

Packed Lunches

Alternatively, children may bring a healthy packed lunch.  Parents sending packed lunches are expected to provide everything your child will need to eat it, for example plastic spoons and forks.  Please do not send your child in to school with cans or glass containers.


Head of School:
Mrs A. Goddard

Executive Headteacher:
Mrs H. Armstrong

Mr C. Lambert

01493 445 117



East Anglian Way
Great Yarmouth,
NR31 6QY